Timpview Social Studies Department

Social Studies 2016-2017 Goals & Guidance
Through Collaboration with your PLC Groups, each subject will:
1.  Refine/Update your Scope & Sequence
2.  Refine/Update your Learning Targets (based on the State Standards)
            -Refine/Update Success Criteria
            -Refine/Update Performance of Understanding
                        -Create Rubrics whenever practical to helps students self-evaluate
3.  Design Common Assessments for each unit (portions of each unit tests and/or projects)
4.  Use assessment data to evaluate our teaching practices
5.  Refine/Update two SLOs per subject, measure performance throughout the year for both.

Literacy Goals
1.  Assign a minimum of one outside reading assignment each week
2.  Do at least one in-class reading assignment per unit
3.  Assign and assess, using Department-wide rubrics, one Literacy (writing) assignment per term.  Alternate between Explanatory and Argumentative writing.
4.  Use classroom instruction time to help contextualize the reading assignments you assign

Collaboration for 2016-2017
When & Where: Most Mondays from 2:20-3:00 in Reuben's room (U-13).
Norms: 1) Be on time = 2:20.  2) Come prepared to work with your group. 3) Bring treats for the group when you are assigned.  4) If you are not going to be there, contact the Department Chair before hand.

Basic Concept: We will alternate PLC Groups every other week of Collaboration.  All the Groups with a "1" in front of them will meet the first week we have collaboration and all the Groups with "2" in front of them will meet the following week of collaboration.  (Once I get the final calendar of collaboration days, I will create a Collaboration Calendar that shows which groups are meeting each week and who is assigned to bring treats.)

1 World Geography/AP Human Geography
Jeremy Stevenson
Matt Wheatley
Natalie Bruford
Krissy Fry

1 World Civ
Reuben Rebollo
Nathalie Lebras
Cami White (2nd Semester)

1 US Government/AP US Gov
Shauna Palmer
Glori Smith
Cami White
Katie Schmoldt

1 Current Issues/Sports Psych
Tupou Tuaone
Jeff Ward

2 AP World History
Cassidy Baker
Natalie Bruford

2 US History
Katie Schmoldt
Reuben Rebollo
Krissy Fry
Cami White
Tupou Tuaone

2 Psychology/AP Psychology
Jeremy Stevenson
Matt Wheatley
Tupou Tuaone

2 Financial Literacy
Jeff Ward

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